(1) 提高舉辦實證混合模式服務的能力,以支援有需要家庭;
(2) 增加對進行實證實踐和混合服務模式的認識;
(3) 培養創新能力及研究見解,以應對這個快速變化的數字轉型時代中的臨床實踐。
Module 1: An overview
Introduction on evidence-based research, evidence-based practice, and evidenced practice in information and communication era
Module 2: Research design for social service (1)
Research question and hypothesis, hierarchy of evidence, experimental design, quasi-experimental design, advanced research designs (eg. stepped wedge randomized design, ecological momentary evaluation)
Module 3: Research design for social service (2)
How to choose outcome and corresponding measurement instruments, randomization and sampling, single and double-blinding design
Module 4: Assess programme effectiveness through research
Statistics knowledge in analysing data from evidence-based research: repeated measure ANOVA and t-test analysis
Module 5: Using descriptive data to gain an in-depth understanding of people and service
Qualitative research and data analysis focus group, in-depth interviews, content analysis
單元一/ 文件連結( 只有英文版筆記) | |
單元二/ 文件連結(只有英文版筆記) |
單元三/ 文件連結(只有英文版筆記) | |
單元四/ 文件連結(只有英文版筆記) |
單元五/ 文件連結(只有英文版筆記) |